Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Fallen Legend

Here's another Threadless entry. This picture of A. A. Milne's characters signifies something, but it doesn't need to be taken that way. If you look at this picture, and it gives you a laugh, that's alright with me. But I do have some behind-the-scenes to say about it.
It started out this way: I was just trying for a laugh. I thought this idea would bring a smile to someone's face somewhere, a parody if you will. But it evolved, as so many of my ideas seem to do. I found that this idea wasn't random: it's a metaphor. I loved the characters from the Hundred-Acre-Wood ever since I was a boy, and still enjoy the books and films from time to time. But that is my past...it was who I used to be. This picture signifies putting something to rest (a pastime, a memory, a grudge), something that, although you enjoy it, isn't really that important.
I have a hard time letting go. When something upsets me, I let it fester inside me until I explode. It could be because a great many things upset me. It could be that I put my trust in things and people that are bound to let me down. I don't quite know yet...but life is okay. It's steadfast enough to let you live most of the time, but also unpredictable enough to keep you asking why. The ride is fun, even though it is so difficult.
By putting something to rest that isn't essential, I'm teaching myself not to fall so easily, to look both ways before stepping into something I don't fully understand, to think before I act. It's a hard process...I let myself down every day.
But there are things that keep me going...they are far and few between, but they are there nonetheless.
Perhaps the words that best describe me are the lyrics to Keane's "He Used to Be a Lovely Boy." The words describe my situation perfectly: I need to stop following things that let me down, find a place that I can be safe from my past failings.
If you care to hear the actual song (and it is amazing), it's #99 on the playlist below (as of this post). I know that my ramblings might not make sense to any of you out there, but if you get one thing out of it, make it this: it's okay to make mistakes...but don't let them weigh you down. There is always a way out...you just need to take enough time to find it.
Final score: 2.40/5 (the scores are getting better every time I submit...hoorah?)

© 2010 Jeremy Owen


  1. hey jeremy, thank you for stopping by my blog. i love your t shirt designs. they are very unique, the charlie brown shirt is great. you have a very clean style with a very unique feel. keep up the good work

  2. I really like the concept behind this shirt design and all that you shared in putting things to rest. We don't always have to, but there are times and seasons. :D Also here's a thought, instead of letting things fester, I try and let them seep out slowly in the right environments. Now I'm serious here, but seriously, it's kind of like when you have to pass gas. There's certain times/places/people where you shouldn't do it, but there also are some okay ways to not let it build to agony. Share YOURSELF with people. It's what the friendships you have NEED! & it's not you I am specifically speaking to, but just in general.

    Also, HOORAH! for the latest and higher score. ;-) Cheers!
